Selecting Text in Word Document

Selecting Text

When you edit and format text the select is most essential parts in the word processor. By selecting you can define the specified text or paragraph to editing and formatting. You can select whole or part of the document by using both keyboard and mouse.

To select the text using mouse:

Click & Drag: Click and continue holding the left mouse button down as you drag your mouse across the text you want to select.
Click &the Key: Click at the beginning of the text you want to select. Then, depress and continue to hold down the key while clicking at the end of the text you want to select.

In text of document:
Double Click to Select Single Word
Triple Click to Select Paragraph

In left margin between text and edge of paper (with right-facing arrow):
Click to Select a line
Double Click to Select Paragraph
Triple Click to Select whole document.

Selecting Text as Column:
Hold down Alt key, click and and drag mouse while holding over the column you want to select.

Selecting Text Using Keyboard
Shift & Arrow Key -Place the cursor from where you want to begin, Hold down the Shift key and press Arrow key till required portion of text.
Ctlr+A - Select all objects in Word document.